Friday, June 26

Staring Down the Colossus

Politics, that dreaded subject that makes millions of Americans cower in fear, are important.
Politics define your life, what you use, and how your children think and grow.
You must know politics; political ignorance harms you much more than you think.
There are two kinds of politics:
real politics (the important one)
media politics (the bullshit one)

I am not attacking the conservative right and I am certainly not supporting the liberal left, however, I am saying that 90% of the politics that you know is incorrect bullshit.
Point 1: Obama is a socalist


In Europe they actually LAUGH at this idea. Obama does lean towards socialism (just as O'Reily leans towards facism), however that does not make O'Reily a facist, and vice-versa.
ALSO, Socialism, as a system, requires decades of constant stewardship.
I'm sick of people complaining about something that they CLEARLY do not understand.
There is nothing wrong with socialism, just as there as is nothing wrong with capitalism. Both are competing economic systems that completely FAIL independently.

I hope America realizes that we have a lot of socialistic systems that work fantastically.
Unemployment? Socialistic? YES In 1800s America (almost pure capitalism, an excellent vintage) if you lost your job you were FUCKED (since you also had no savings or means to hedge your losses)
Medicaid/Medicare? YES Also socialist, Medicare provides healthcare for 50 MILLION AMERICANS that otherwise would not have ANY. It is extremely inefficient, but that is because of the nature of US politics.

Due to the constant switch from Dem to Rep and back, 75% of all US programs are wildly inefficient.
Example: Medicare is established by Johnson in the 60s (a Dem)
Nixon rolls back coverage and weakens the system in the 70s (a Repub)
Carter attempts to bring it back to the Johnson level, but in doing so creates a hugely unwieldy infrastructure. (a Dem)
Reagan's austerity plan nearly destroys Medicare due to the huge cuts he makes in the early 80s (though as the economy recovers he does expand it slightly later on)
Clinton strengthens in the 90s

And now we are left with an emaciated/obese cow that has developmental disorders due to being malnurished half the time and stuffed to the gills the other half of the time.
Had we fed the cow slowly over time, things would have panned out much better and we could have just expanded medicare until covered everyone.

BUT partisan politics ruined that, as the media and dirty politicans used this as a hot-button issue to invigorate the base and win elections. So many Americans hate what helps them.

There are so many things to discuss, my brain is swirling, please bear with me.

This goes to the conservatives (politically, not morally)
The biggest problem facing corporate America today is the Spiraling cost of healthcare
Health insurance has tripled in the last decade, far outpacing inflation and wage increases.
The profit of corporate America, WHICH IS VITAL TO THE GROWTH OF THE US ECONOMY THROUGH REINVESTMENT, is being siphoned off to pay for overpriced vicodin.

If we introduce a US Gov't healthcare system, it will provide the competition necessary to reduce the outrageous prices of HealthcareAmerica LLC
This is a competing healthcare for anyone that wants it. YOU CAN KEEP YOUR PRIVATE INSURER. THis will alleviate the suffering of the poor (who often have to choose food or medecine, I'm not making this shit up. ACCEPT REALITY) who pay for ridiculously overpriced medecines. AND your private insurer will be 40-70% cheaper than it is currently, allowing you to save or spend more (depending on your financial acumen).

I beseech you to listen to the voice of reason. I am sick of hearing the constant jabbering of left and right wing nutjobs who have no idea about what is actually going on.

I voted in a mock election in the summer of 2008 and I VOTED MCCAIN, NOT OBAMA. Later, after I learned more about both candidates, I was rather torn since there were VERY few real differences between them, but ultimately I believe that I would have voted Obama because John McCain wouldn't have been able to shake this country up enough to put us back on the right path (the path where your kids are happy to be Americans, and you don't have to worry about your safety as you walk to the grocery store)
President Obama does have your best interests at heart, and he will make an excellent President. Just give him a chance and don't be a close-minded prick.
Legitimate criticism is good, pointless bickering is not.

Thursday, June 25

Breaking the last record: 2nd post

Hello dear readers,
I realize that there are a lot of you, so please line up in a queue so that server doesn't overload.
First, my name. Henry Kissenger was a great american statesman...yatayata... and then he met this chick Rita. This is my origin tale (not Oregon Trail, and better than genesis, jk Jesus!)
here is the wiki article, enjoy:

SO, tonight Joel, Brandon, et les filles went to the Hangover.
I give it 9 blunts out of 10 (the 10th was stolen, or it would have gotten all of them; it's voracious!)

My dad's was pretty lame, as always. My sister flipped on the "You're the best big brother ever" switch, that'll last until next week.

I have a million things to do, and since you have nothing better to do, here is my list:
1) READ, I practically robbed a bookstore in Columbia and now I have 14 books awaiting my perusing
2) RUN, Cross Country will really suck if I'm still a fatty
3) PRACTICE, my French needs a lot of work and I need to order my AP books
4) VOLUNTEER, yeah so I scheduled myself on the 4th of July...oops.
5) WORK, so both congressmen didn't answer my emails...
6) PLAN, I still need to finish the details of my College Roadtrip
7) EXERCISE, Lankiness is annoying lol
8) WRITE MY COLLEGE ESSAYS, self-explanatory?
9) SUMMER HOMEWORK, calculus can kiss my balls, but...
10) SPEECH, I need to find/write pieces :(
11) EXEC, I have to organize half-time, fundraise, and start Prom stuff. yay
12) STOCKS, So the market didn't tank as much as I needed it to, so I have $3000 that will not be invested unless I change my pricepoints. yummy
13) COMM ADVISORY BOARD, I have 100 pages of PDF to read about the Mehlville School District, which I then have to draft into a proposal for the school board, and I don't know when it's due.
14) LITTLE THINGS, calls to make, papers to read/analyze, fun to be had, etc.

Well hopefully that brings you up to speed faithful reader.

Bonjour Bitches

Hello dear readers,
My name is Kissinger's Lovechild and I am the second member of the three muskequeers (and the lesbian hag).
At the moment I have little to report, other than my iPhone is on backorder (boo.).
I promise to shower you with witticisms later, but at the moment I have trivial matters to attend to.