Tuesday, November 24

New Obsessions and Lingering Memories

Okay, I must begin by introducing my country of the month.
Denmark! It might seem surprising, especially given my detestation of the cold, but Denmark is the country that I've always loved without knowing it.
Denmark has the highest quality of life in the world, cradle to grave healthcare/pensions, free education, mass transit, it's on the ocean, and many other amazing things. Even better, I don't have to learn another language! Between English, French, and German, I'll pretty much be able to speak to anyone in Denmark conversationally. The architecture is a breathtaking combination of neoclassical, 19th century French, and 18th century German. The cuisine reflects Denmark's roots as the ruler of Scandinavia and Germany's little brother. Copenhagen is the shining star of Denmark is considered to be one of the best business cities in Europe, behind only London, Paris, and Berlin. The labor system in Denmark is extremely interesting (though probably impossible on the giant scale that is the US economy). It is called flexcurity. Essentially, you can be fired rather easily, but it is equally easy to be hired. This flexible labor force makes Denmark one of the most efficient and prosperous nations in the world, with a GDP per capita higher than ours.

I easily fall in love with foreign nations that I see on TV (see: Vietnam, Switzerland, Norway, Portugal, Turkey, Lebanon), but I really believe that Denmark could be a future residence of mine.

Today in French club I presented a slide show of our trip to France. I miss it more and more everyday. I miss the bread. I miss the exploring. I miss the people.
I can't wait to return this summer, and I hope that it will breath new life into me. This school year has sucked out most of the happiness and hope that I had accumulated over the summer, and I'd really like to return my stockpiles to their previous levels.

Well that's a snapshot of my life atm. Be back soon :)

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