Hello dear readers,
I realize that there are a lot of you, so please line up in a queue so that server doesn't overload.
First, my name. Henry Kissenger was a great american statesman...yatayata... and then he met this chick Rita. This is my origin tale (not Oregon Trail, and better than genesis, jk Jesus!)
here is the wiki article, enjoy:
SO, tonight Joel, Brandon, et les filles went to the Hangover.
I give it 9 blunts out of 10 (the 10th was stolen, or it would have gotten all of them; it's voracious!)
My dad's was pretty lame, as always. My sister flipped on the "You're the best big brother ever" switch, that'll last until next week.
I have a million things to do, and since you have nothing better to do, here is my list:
1) READ, I practically robbed a bookstore in Columbia and now I have 14 books awaiting my perusing
2) RUN, Cross Country will really suck if I'm still a fatty
3) PRACTICE, my French needs a lot of work and I need to order my AP books
4) VOLUNTEER, yeah so I scheduled myself on the 4th of July...oops.
5) WORK, so both congressmen didn't answer my emails...
6) PLAN, I still need to finish the details of my College Roadtrip
7) EXERCISE, Lankiness is annoying lol
8) WRITE MY COLLEGE ESSAYS, self-explanatory?
9) SUMMER HOMEWORK, calculus can kiss my balls, but...
10) SPEECH, I need to find/write pieces :(
11) EXEC, I have to organize half-time, fundraise, and start Prom stuff. yay
12) STOCKS, So the market didn't tank as much as I needed it to, so I have $3000 that will not be invested unless I change my pricepoints. yummy
13) COMM ADVISORY BOARD, I have 100 pages of PDF to read about the Mehlville School District, which I then have to draft into a proposal for the school board, and I don't know when it's due.
14) LITTLE THINGS, calls to make, papers to read/analyze, fun to be had, etc.
Well hopefully that brings you up to speed faithful reader.